Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 23: you might be a missionary if....

Hello mi familia,
Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 33:12
Schools out for the summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet that feels really nice right? and wow I can’t believe Lou is going to be a freshman in high school that is so crazy. I’m sure graduation was awesome. That neat about all of the mission calls. The army of god continues to grow I love it.
So this week, as you know zone conference was on Tuesday, and it was great. Tuesday was also the only day last week that the sun shined at all. President and sister Wilkey will be leaving June 27th, and president and sister stoker will be here that day. It’s going to be a tough transition; I’ve decided it’s kind of like getting a new football coach and new playbook right in the middle of the season. But as hard as it is going to be I think it will be just fine. change can really push you to grow, and I’m all about growing and becoming the missionary the lord wants me to be. But the good news is I will see president this week. We have our last interviews with him on Thursday, that could be the last time I see him, or if I get transferred I might see him at transfers in a few weeks. I think I will probably be getting transferred this time, but then again who knows.
Zone conference was just amazing. We did so many cool things; email can’t even do it justice, so I think you will just have to take my word for it. One of my favorite parts was... President gave us all a piece of paper and said we had two minutes to write our last testimony to our 2 year old child. He told us we were on a “plane" that was going to crash and this testimony would be the only piece o my family would have left of me. It was a very spiritual experience. At the end of conference president prayed for all of us by name. He didn’t have a list or anything he prayed by name off memory it was so incredible. There was not a dry eye in the place. I’m so glad I get to for sure see him at least once more.
So you know a few weeks ago I told you about the blessing I gave to Brother Edmunds? Well this week we saw him and his skin cancer is pretty much gone, he went to the doctor thinking he was going to have surgery, the doctor was amazed and had no idea what could have caused it to disappear. Of course Brother Edmunds knew exactly what caused it. So this week I have to say, priesthood blessings work, the power of the priesthood is so real and I’m so glad we have it on the earth today. People always say man I wish super powers were real. Well guess what they are real, in the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints we have the greatest super power ever, we have the power of god.
I am so glad to hear Audra is starting to improve, my prayers on her behalf have been lots and lots, the power of prayer is real as well.
This week we also had our pie auction, and can you say success. It was so cool to see the ward pull together and support the young women. We raised a total of 960.00 dollars the most they have ever made, and they have been doing it for at least 15 years. The high selling pie sold for 105 dollars. The pie Lori helped us make which was a beautiful apple pie sold for 40 dollars it was fun to be able to contribute to the young women. I was the guy that announced the talents and started the pie sales, the sister missionaries were the auctioneers, I filled the extra time with you might be a missionary or you might be a Mormon jokes. everyone loved it. Ill include a picture of the pie.

We did a skit in the talent show, the sisters elder Guinn and me. It was called a day in the life of a missionary, it was hilarious. I forgot to have someone record it though dang it.
Well I think that’s about all. O did I mention that it rained everyday this week; the sun is finally out today. Some places around here measured up to 7 inches of rain everything is so green it’s so beautiful
Love you all so much.
Elder zilles
You might be a missionary if when people see you walking down the side walk they cross o the other side of the road

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