Hey Family,
Scripture of the week: D&C 132 22, 25
That is not good about audra, i will have to amp up my prayers on her behalf. But the power of prayer is definitely real. I see that manifest every day in missionary work.
Sounds like quite the week back home. I’m glad everyone made it through it alive and in one piece. A huge congratulations to sis on graduating that is so neat. Can’t wait to hear more about it in the snail mail letter. I am not going to lie I was really missing Richmond this week. Wednesday I thought to myself it’s the judging contest today, Thursday the heifer show, and Friday the cow show. It’s definitely not easy missing something like that, at least for me cause as we all know I pretty much lived for Richmond week. But hey it’s all good it will still be there when I return in a year and a half. It sounds like it was a high quality show, super neat that local animals did so well. I like hearing that. How many head were there? and how many head did wade have tied with him?
That is so cool about west side track. Coach Moser is an amazing man. the whole reason he has been so successful is because he loves and respect the kids, so in return they love and respect him and would literally do anything for him. That man has taught me many valuable life lessons through football and track.
Congrats to little Lou on winning showmanship I’ve trained her well. Ok I didn’t do anything she is just awesome all on her own.
This week has been pretty incredible. First off I got tillamock cheese in the mail my favorite kind. it was great surprise, I also got the medicine so thank you for sending that. So I went to Newport with elder walker this week, and we taught 5 lessons in one day, which is a lot for our mission, we said it was just practice for when he and I are comps later in the mission. He is a great friend and missionary. As you know Elder Guinn and I have been working our tail ends off since he got here, and it is finally paying off. We earned 3 new investigators this week. The first is a man named Buck, he is in the final stages of terminal cancer. He doesn’t have long to live, but I feel very strongly we were sent to him to comfort him through to the end. The other day i prayed to know my purpose in the Lyndon area and bucks name just kept coming to mind, so I feel that’s why I’m still here. so please pray for buck and us that we will know how to handle his situation, it’s really hard for me knowing he doesn’t have long to live. I don’t deal well with death, and I’ve had to deal with it more on my mission than I thought I would have to.
Second new investigators name is Don. he is a family history guru that we ran into while knocking doors elder Guinn’s first week or so, and we were just barely able to get back in with him.
The third is a man named David he is nice, we don’t know a whole lot about him yet, but there is more to come for sure.
We also set a baptismal date with our investigator Tina. She is scheduled to be baptized the 29th of June. I don’t think i will still be here then, but it will still be great. she has been investigating since like last august and has been halted due to health problems. The spirit was so strong in our lesson with her this week. Normally we would invite someone to be baptized at the end of the lesson, but with her i felt impressed to invite her about 5 minutes into the lesson so i did and she accepted, the Gregory’s were there with us and it was just awesome.
This week should be very fun. Tomorrow we have Zone conference at the jsm. and then after that we are going on exchanges with the zone leaders, I’m not sure if I’m staying in Lyndon or if I’m going there. Then Friday we are going to mike and Loris and Lori is going to teach us how to make pie, and I am going to put a pie in the young woman’s pie auction that is on Saturday. Before the pie auction we are having a ward cookout, and then the auction/talent show. Elder Guinn and I are the auctioneers for the auction. in the talent show we are doing a skit with the sisters, the sisters are going to be elder Guinn and I and we are going to be them it is going to be wicked funny I’m excited. So yup all in all it should be a wicked fun week.
I do believe that is about all that I have. I sure do love you guys. Know that you are all always in my prayers.
Leave it all on the field
Elder Zilles
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