Hey all,
Scripture of the week: Proverbs 6:20-22, and 1 Ne 15:24
Wow Cason Nash will possibly be serving in his own state on his mission that is crazy, but hey at least he will be in a different time zone than home. People don’t ever really think about how huge of a state Idaho is. I believe it’s probably one of the few states that you can drive in for 14 hours and still be in the same state, but yet switch time zone half way through your long bus ride journey. Hmmm I almost make it sound like I have made that trip on a bus before! Oh wait I have made that trip on a bus, FOUR times. I am sure Joslyn will be a fantastic missionary, dang lots of west side missionaries are going to Washington. That means the WS is well repped in Washington and California. I’m still the only one blessed enough to journey here to the east. Did I mention that the sister here in Lyndon waiting for her visa to Brazil is from Washington?
So I have to confess something that eEder Guinn and I did this week. So because we have chosen to car fast once a week, we ended up with about 100 extra miles the last day of May, so we decided we would head out to a little town in our area called barnet. I have never been there because we never have miles to get there. So the other day we saddled up the Subaru and headed to barnet Vermont, it’s on the very far edge of our area. When we got there the first thing I saw was a silo, and of course when I saw that my mind automatically started thinking "DAIRY. DAIRY DAIRY".
I looked over at elder Guinn and just grinned and hit the gas. We drove to the dairy, and of course it was an organic jersey dairy, no one was home on the place so I took the liberty of well of being me and showed myself around for a few seconds. They were actually pretty good cows. From that dairy I could see a few more dairies so we did what any normal missionary would do.... Oh wait sorry not what any normal missionary would do, but what any normal... well I would do, we drove to each of those dairies and they all smelt sooooo good. No dairies in Vermont do not smell any different than back home, they just smell really good to elder zilles after being away from the dairy smell for almost 6 months. Sadly none of them were interested in learning about our little blue books with gold writing on the front cover (the book of Mormon) I’m sure you probably understood that but I’m in a good mood today so I am being a smarty.
The rest of this week was pretty good as well. Last night we got a wicked bad storm, the wind was so crazy and the rain was wicked bad. We walked out of our apartment to head to concord right as it started, I had a feeling we should wait it out in the car for a while till it calmed down so we did. I was so glad I listened to the prompting. When we pulled out of the driveway the road was literally a river, and tree limbs were all over everything. Power lines were knocked down and man it was wicked bad. We still went teaching though. We stopped at a less active family and they let us eat with them we had roast and potatoes and carrots it was super good it was even better because it was all by candle light. I’ve never had roast by candle light before, it might become a new trend. After that we had an awesome lesson with Tina at the bishop’s house. I really like bishop tucker I will be sad when he is no longer the bishop I am working with (could happen in two weeks when transfer calls come, but we won’t talk too much about that just yet).
Earlier in the week as you know we had interviews with president. They were of course spiritual intensity to the maximum. We got to talk about lots of great stuff, and of course I cried when I gave him a hug goodbye. But the neatest part was I got to role play with him in a teaching situation. I got to pick who he was so I had him be one of the less actives that I have really grown to love. I "taught" him the first vision. I have never before felt the spirit so strong as I did in that few minutes, I literally felt the room light up. When I was done, president with tears in his eyes said, "Elder before you leave Lyndon, whether it’s in 2 weeks or 8 weeks, you will share what you just shared with me with that brother. So I think that is one of my purposes of still being here in Lyndon.
We had an incredible lesson with buck this week, we taught him the atonement and the spirit world. It was the hardest lesson I have ever taught and elder Guinn was totally spaced out. He said he just didn’t know what to say. It was hard because it really felt like we were giving him a death preparation pep talk. But it went really well I am just so glad for the spirit in times like that. We gave him a blessing and he told us he felt at peace after all that.
Sounds like it’s been an awesome first week of summer for yall back home. Dad that mortyXaftershock looks like an awesome cow. I’m so glad all of the cows are doing well. Audra is truly proving to be a miracle, and yes she may be the most prayed over cow ever, and I don’t know of anywhere it says we can’t give animals blessings, especially when they are special cows like my girl audra. In Alma 34:24 it says "cry unto him over the flocks of your fields". I hope my two dogs and horse are doing well, I can’t wait to go on a horse ride with Lou when I get home.
Sure love you guys. Adios.
Elder Zilles
"Spreading the restored gospel of peace one door knock at a time, and leaving it all on the field"
I forgot to mention in my email that it hit 90 this week and the humidity was terrible. Gotta love it I think the tie magnifies the heat by 200. and the lord sent me to New England to gain a greater respect and love for cold weather
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