Hello Family,
Scripture of the Week: Mosiah 2:41, Romans 8:28
I hope this email finds you all in high spirits and that something i say will bring peace and comfort to all of you! Honestly i dont know what to say. I am very grateful that you contaacted elder Poll. Im not sure why he didnt call me himself, but he had president call me instead, which was just fine. Im not going to lie though yesterday was one of the hardest days of my mission, as i couldnt do anything but think about gram. As soon as president called i started a fast, so it wasnt a full fast, but i figured that what ever i could do was better than nothing. I am very grateful to hear that the Drs have been able to pretty well figure out what is going on with gram. I hope that what ever route they take with her, it will just make her comfortable and she will be happy and at peace. It would be amazing to be with her on this earth for forever, but we will all leave this mortal behind someday. But we have the promise of a glorious ressurection. Y
esterday morning i woke up with a scripture about the resurrection on my mind, it was before i even got the call. But i just want to share my testimony that i know that no matter what happens, if we all live how we are supposed to, we will be with gram for eternity. Families really are eternal. I am so grateful for this gospel. I have always been grateful that gram and gramps joined the church, but things like this make me even more glad that we are all sealed together in the temple of god. Any chance any of you get to go to the temple this week will be amazing and will bring you all great great peace. Just know that each of you are in my prayers constantly. i will send grandpa an email, so let him know that he needs to check it.
So i did not get a transfer call this week, so that means another 6 weeks in bedford with elder holley. Its truly a blessing, as we are really having things moving along very well rihgt now. So we have this friend named johny, he is 16 and is the most prepared person i have met on my entire mission, only problem is his dad is big in the catholic church and is some like minister of some kind, but johny wants to be a mormon. So thursday night i get a call from johny and he said "Elder Zilles i really dont want you to get transferred. If you dont get transferred will you baptize me" It was one of the sweetest moments of my mission. So i am so glad i am not getting transferred. I called him the morning after transfer calls to tell him the good news and he was like "God knew you still had work to do here". Missionary work is just awesome.
Well guys i love you all so much. Im gonna go write gram and gramps an email, so i am sorry this is a bit shorter. But just know that i love you all and that the gospel is true. Families are forever. Dont forget that!
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles
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