Sunday, May 4, 2014

Week 71: Fearlessly Bold

Hey Family,
Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 11:4
Well what an event packed week. Ill start off with the best part.... I just barely got back from Boston, yup got to go to the temple today. 16 months is way too long to go without going to that wonderful place, i sure am glad the policy was changed so we can go once in a while now. It was just really a special experience. I have been so blessed in my life its crazy all Father has blessed me with, this gospel is just amazing. 

Sorry to hear it was so cold down at all utah, that doesnt surprise me though, you can just never count on good weather for that show. Bummer that the cows didnt exactly win it all, but i am sure it was still a good time. That Harmony cow of Nates is a good one ive always really enjoyed seeing her at shows, except when she is beating my cows, but better Nate win than some other poop head ha. 

So on saturday morning i woke with crippling pain on my right side, and i just could not figure out what the heck it was... so i called the mission dr and he said to go the emergency room. well as you know i hate hospitals, needles and all of that good stuff so i was not looking forward to it. But it turns out i have a kidney stone. That was on saturday and today is tuesday and as of right now i still have not "passed" it. I dont know if it is possible for kidney stones to just dissolve, but that is what i am hoping has happened to me cause i really just dont want to have to deal with it any more. I still need to go get that root canal done, but all this stuff just takes up too much of my mission time. ugh guess ill do what ever i need to do to be healthy. 

This week we found a family to teach, they are super cool family and im really excited to get to work with them more. With the 4 of them in our teaching pool we now have 9 people in our teaching pool. so i know its not all about the numbers, but still its pretty awesome to look at the change that has taken place in this area in the last transfer and a half. from 0 investigators to 9, heavenly father has richly blessed us for sure. 

I was on exchange with the assistants this week and was told that i am known in the mission for being fearlessly bold. Pretty good compliment in my opinion. 
This week will go plenty quick as tuesday is already pretty well over, wednesday and thursday will be on exchanges, and then the weekend will be here once again. Next week we have our leadership meeting once again the month of april has really just gone by super fast. Who knows what next transfer will bring, but i am going to recommend myself to go some where and train a new missionary. That doesn't mean that it will happen, but i'm going to do it anyway. I would really like to train one more time before i go home, its been over a year and i would love to be able to see how different i will do things than i did them with elder guinn over a year ago. Also as much as i love being a zone leader, i think i am about ready to go back to being a normal missionary and get out of the drama. Pretty tired of dealing with the drama that this calling brings. But come what may and love it. 

Well my dear family i sure do love you. Hope you have a fantastic week. Stay strong, rely on Our Father, and remember that someone in new hampshire really loves you all a whole stinkin ton
Hold to the rod
love you 
Elder Toner

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