Friday, October 25, 2013

week 44: Come what may and love it! Transfers!

Hello Family,
Ill give you the scripture of the week in just a second, cause i want to expound on it quite a bit this week. Transfer Information.... DUN DUN DUN! "ring ring ring" Me "Elder its president" Elder V "hurry throw it out the window so we dont have to get the transfer call"! Yeah that plan didnt work the call still came! Me "hello president this is elder zilles" Pres "hello elder zilles this is pres stoker" me "president the phone is dying we cant accept a transfer call" yeah that tactic didnt work either. President "Elder Zilles i am calling to inform you that you are being transferred and are being called as a ZONE LEADER. Elder Vanderholm will be staying in newport and will be made sr companion"!!!!
We have to leave our apartment at 415 tomorrow morning to travel to get our new companions. It will be so great. I will really miss Elder Vanderholm, but there is a time for everything, and where ever i go is where i am meant to be. Elder Vanderholm is slightly freaking out about being sr comp, but i have no doubt he will just do amazing!

So since i am being transferred sister deters and myself were asked to speak in sacrament yesterday (she is leaving too). So i was up there and of course hadnt prepared anything cause they told us from the pulpit. I was thinking of a scripture i wanted to use but then opened my BofM and knew this was the scripture i was supposed to base my talk off of. Alma 56: 22-29. This is part of the story of the strippling warriors and i think you will really like the insight that i recieved while speaking yesterday! In verses 22-23 is talks about the nephites guarding the places that were the weakest! In 27 we read of the provisions the fathers of the stripplings brought to them. And in 29 we read " And the lamanites thus seeing our forces increase daily and provisions arrive for our support they began to be fearful and began to rally forth if it were possible to put an end to our recieving provisions"!
Now lets think about these verses and apply it to our lives. What do we need to do in our lives to keep satan away? We need to guard our weakest points. We know what our weaknesses are, but unfortunately so does the adversary! So first we need to guard our weakest points continually.
Second, like the nephites who recieved provisions, we need to recieve provisions as well! How do we do that? well its actually prettty easy. The primary answers! as we go to church, pray read the scriptures, those are the provisions we need to recieve strength against the adversary.
As we do these things, the adversary will become "fearful" just as the lamanites did. Now you may ask how these few small and simple things can help us withstand the "fiery darts of the adversary" well lets look at it this way.... How did the 2000 stripplings have any effect on the huge lamanite army? they were young small and inexperienced, they had never fought before. I am sure they at times felt insignificant. Just as at times we may find the simple primary answers insignificant. But just think about it, because if the 2000 the battles were totally rocked by the nephites!
It is my testimony that as we do the simple things in life, read our scriptures DAILY, pray at least twice a day(on our knees), and go to church to partake of the sacrament, we will be provided with the "provisions" that we need to make satan "fearful"!
I hope all that made sense, sometimes my thoughts sound better in my head than when i put them on paper!
So yup lots of changes are happening in the district this week. I am leaving, Sister Deters is leaving and Sister Vanderhoef is leaving littleton. Actually in our zone half the missionaries are leaving! Every companionship got a transfer call but one set of sisters. Pretty crazy stuff! i will really miss my lyndon district but am very excited for my next adventure.
Our song went very well in sacrament yesterday the spirit was very very strong.

I am so happy for josh and that is very cool about hannah! Gods army truly does keep growing! When i got to the mission we had about 115 missionaries, we now have over 200!
Well one last Funny story, we were sitting at a picnic table out side an apartment building talking with a less active. right next door is a bar so a pretty rough crowd hangs there. A man came up to us and said "my names kevin, im the drummer for the band nickleback, can i sign your bible?" it was funny. No it was not really the drummer for nickleback. The things drunk people do haha!
Im gonna end with a quote i rediscovered while studying pmg this morning.
"Those who have read the book of mormon, PRAYERFULLY, be they rich or poor, learned or unlearned, have grown under its power. Without reservation i promise you that if you will prayerfully read the book of mormon regardless of how many times you have previously read it there will come into your hearts the spirit of the lord. There will come strengthened resolution to walk in obedience to the commandments, and there will come a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God"
-President Hinckley-
Love you all so much let ya know next week where my new home is
Elder Zilles

1 comment:

  1. Hello Zilles family! My name is Joanna and your son just got transferred to our ward in Essex. I met him tonight and found out he's from Weston and I was excited because my mom is from Preston. So we got talking and found out that he knows my cousin. So then I Facebook stalked him from my cousin's page and found this blog. I thought you would enjoy knowing he is doing well. He was in super good spirits tonight at least! I am coming home to Idaho in December and will be passing through your area (my family lives in Idaho Falls now) so let me know if you want me to take him anything! My email is
