Friday, October 18, 2013

Week 42: Spiritual High

scripture of the week: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

CONGRATULATIONS Elder Birky! That is so cool spanish speaking would be wonderful. There are times i really wish i had learned a language, but then i think about it and i have learned a new language... vermontish is about as foreign as it gets sometimes! That is a bit of a wait, hmmm so some advice i would give him.... As you all know i struggled with my long wait for well the whole 4 months of the wait, but i now know the lord knows exactly when we are supposed to enter our mission and our first area. The time till you leave will go really slow right up till your last few weeks and then you may find yourself wanting some of that time back. So make the best of it. If i were able to go back in time i would take my last 4 months and spend much more time with my family than i did. As great as girls are... family is really who we should be with before we leave to serve the lord they will truly be your greatest support when you are in the field. Also spend as much time as you possibly can studying the scriptures and preach my gospel especially PMG chapter 4. And most importantly do like was talked about alot in conference strengthen your testimony as much as you possibly can! You will be a fantastic missionary and it will be exciting to see the miracles the lord makes happen through you!

This week has been a great one and once again it has gone by sooo stinkin fast. Im to the point in my mission now that MOST days dont seem like weeks any more. The weeks seems like hours and the days seem like minutes. So that is something elder nash will have to look forward to. 
My interview with President Stoker was wonderful, i love that man. Being a District leader i am lucky and get to spend a little extra time with him i felt pretty spoiled. We had a great talk about the missionaries in my district and it was just all in all a wonderful opportunity. My part of the training that i got to do with the zone leaders went well. They asked me to pick my own topic to train on and i felt very impressed to teach about giving and recieving constructive feedback from mission leaders. It went really well i used the example in john 21 of the risen lord telling peter that he must never go fishing he is now and forever an apostle of the lord. Can you imagine receiving constructive feedback from the savior himself? that would be awesome as well is wicked over whelming. 
So before i start into conference i have one more miraculous miracle to share with you. As you know with the time difference here conference didnt start till 12 so we had a few hours to do some work before we headed to the church. We were walking to see a less active and saw a guy walking away from us and it looked like dana. So we half chased him half stalked him to his house. He was in much better form than when we had last seen him. He all by himself offered to say the prayer and in it thanked HF for sending us to him. Its a testimony to me that as we pray to know where the lord wants us he will direct us in that direction if we heed the promptings of his spirit. 

CONFERENCE WAS INCREDIBLE! I cant decide if its really the best one ive ever seen or if thats just because i am in the stage of my life that i am in right now. I have so many things that i liked about it so just prepare for a really long email, hopefully it doesnt bore you to death!
In President Monsons opening remarks saturday morning he said "Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together" i loved that because its so true. There can no longer be the missionaries over here and the members over there we must be united in the same great cause. I loved Elder Hales talk as well i found it very cool that he said they are not given topics. Favorite quotes from him... "What is said is not as important as what we hear and feel through the spirit". "The only safety we have as members of the church is to give heed to the prophets word". "We will not always be so that we are free from the persecutions the early saints faced". There were a few remarks that eluded to that. and last from his talk "Put on your shield of faith to thwart the fiery darts of the adversary"
There were many good things throughout conference said about the importance of making. keeping and renewing our sacred covenants. Carole Stephens said "when we worthily partake of the sacrament we dont only renew our baptismal covenants but all of the covenants we have made". I really enjoyed the talk given by Edward Dube of the seventy, favorite quote from his was "look ahead and believe". Elder Bednar gave a wonderful talk on tithing i feel it was written just for a certain person here in newport. He said "put your faith into practice roll up your sleaves and join this great cause". President Uchtdorf "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith". I loved Elder Christophersons on the role of women. There were several great things said about that. I am so grateful for the righteous women in my life. 
S. Gifford Nelson gave a great talk on missionary work so if you want to get pumped listen to it!!
There was also much said about "Inviting the atonement into our lives" "Lay down your weapons of rebellion and invite the atonement into our lives". The atonement is such an amazing incredible gift i would not be here without it. 
Elder Hollands was great as always. It made me think of many whom i love, Its hard stuff to deal with but with the atonement we can do hard things. He said "If the bitter cup does not pass, Drink it". And also "cherish every day you are given".
Elder Ballard gave a great missionary work talk in it were included many great promises i would like you to all listen to it again. "fear will be replaced as we kneel in prayer" 
Priesthood session was great so many good talks once again. Randy Funk of the seventy who was a mission president spoke about real growth in missionaries which really hit me hard and made me do a self evaluation. President Uchtdorf nailed it oout of the park with "you can do it now" and "our destiny is not determined by the number of times we fall but by the number of times we get back up". 
President monson gave a great talk that i know dad probably loved on hometeaching. 
My favorite talks on sunday were president eyrings and president monsons. 
A theme that really stood out to me is how me must put our love of god first in our lives that is so important. Our love for heavenly father is imperative in the crazy world we live in. To close conference President Monson said "Constantly nourish your testimony and it will protect you from the adversary". 

My testimony to end conference is that of many of the things we were told by our leaders. We must have a strong testimony to spiritually survive these times. I have so many weaknesses and imperfections i need to overcome, but with the power of the atonement all things can be overcome. Weak things can truly be made strong through the power and love of our savior. 
I love you so much family
Hold to the rod
"look ahead and believe" we have so much to live for and believe in!
Elder QJ Zilles

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