Scripture of the week: 2 Timothy 2:3
First off i just wanted to say thank you mom for your beautiful email. I could definitely feel of your love and strength from the words you shared with me. In regards to my setting apart blessing, i have been able to find great strength through it and my patriarchal blessing this week. As much as i would like to say that i am all healed up and have seen a dr and have been miraculously cured.... if i said that i would be lying. As of right now the sharp shooting pain is lessened because i am on some drugs, that the mission dr prescribed me. Actually they are steroid pills. So the joke around here is that me and A-ROD can be friends now. (dad should get the A-ROD joke). i also am currently working on getting in to a back specialist down at dartmouth hitchcock. But things are slow, its my hope that by the end of the day i will have an appointment all set and will be getting some more help and direction very soon.
I have recieved so much help and love from the Stokers this week. Sister Stoker contacts me almost every day, and have talked to President a few times. I dont know if you know of Elder and Sister Poll or not. They are from utah, and dad and i actually met them at all utah show one year. Well ive gotten pretty close with them over the months. and president was inspired to have them come visit me on thursday. Elder Poll has a bad back as well so was able to really relate to me well. They were a great help, and have been very instrumental in getting things with drs moving a bit more than they were to that point. I love my rural vermont, but it does make it really hard to do anything as far as medical attention is concerned. For example dartmouth is a 2 hour drive. But i guess that is what you deal with when you are up here in the North East Kingdom of Vermont.
Although i have not been miraculously healed this week, we have been so very blessed as far as the work goes. This week was the worst week of my life as far as pain goes. But it was literally our best week as missionaries here in newport. We were able to teach 17 lessons, by far the most we have taught here. We gave some incredible blessings to people and best of all we got John to come on a church tour. He felt the spirit so strong. When we were looking at the baptismal font he just did not want to leave. John is a single man, 58 years old. Super nice guy. Has a 19 year old daughter who is literally his whole life. She is currently going to school in boston. John and i get along great because he is a huge football fan. The only problem he is a patriots fan. But non the less he is a great man.
I do remember back in HS with my back issues when you told me you would take it all for me if you could. But mom i would not wish this on anyone. For what ever purpose HF has given this to me, i must really need it. Because he loves us so much, and i can only imagine the pain it causes him to have to see his children in pain. This week we would go out and work a few hours and then would have to come back so i could lay down, (laying down gives me a little bit of relief). One day i was laying there thinking and feeling quite abandoned... And then a voice told me "why are you trying to go through this alone" then i knew i had not been relying on my father in heaven near enough.
It is my testimony that our father in heaven loves us all so very much. Everything we go through has a purpose and a reason, that he knows. He will always know what is best for us and what we need in our lives.
That is very exciting dad will be taking the string to the state fair. Who all does that include? Im jealous i wont be there to go.
Well I hate to bust into the email like this, but i have FANTASTIC news. I just got off the phone with the dr and will be seeing him wednesday. Prayers are continually being answered. Keep up the incredible faith my dear family.
Also will you please keep Elder Guinn in your prayers this week, one of his good friends was hit by a car on his mission and was killed so he is having a tough time right now. I love elder Guinn and am really glad i still get to be close to him to help him through this.
Lets see what else happened this week...
Elder Vanderholm and i finally got to try really eastern states sea food. We ate lobster and clams. Actually had lobster 2 times. I prefer the lobster over the clams. Clams have no flavor and just feel like a big wet slimy ball of snot going down your throat. I do however recomend for anyone eating lobster to just get the tail thats where the majority of the meat comes from and the rest of it is far to much work to get the tiny bit of meat that you get.
We also learned how to make apple pies with our investigator(my adopted mission grandma) They are delectable... pictures to follow.
Elder V. Making pies |
Sister Dixon lost a bet with me and had to make me pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and they were delectable as well. I really need to get healthy so i can start exercising and being more active, or non of my pants will fit. I have gained 20 pounds since ive been on my mission goodness.
One last story and then i really need to get going. So i dont know if ive really mentioned it, but our area is the most beautiful place in the world... most days. Well the other day was one of those days. We are just driving along trying to find a house out in the middle of no where. Sometimes in vermont gps systems are worthless. well my wonderful little gps took us down this road and as we drove it gradually got worse and worse. I finally decided we better walk up a ways and see what we were getting ourselves into. Although are suburu can get us anywhere we still try to respect it. Well it turned out we were on a 4 wheeler trailer. So we never located the house, but we had fun doing some off roading.
The "Four Wheeling" Trail |
Thanks again for the wonderful email. I love you all so much. Stay strong and remember that someone in Vermont loves you a whole ton.
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles
PS did you know it takes like 100 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup.
love you bye
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