Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 35: dynamite!

Hey family,
Scripture of the week: D&C 121:7-8
Hmm should we discuss happy things first or not so happy things?? Let’s go with happy things, cause everyone likes a little happiness right? Well let’s just say this week went really fast with zone conference on Monday and pday on Tuesday it just kind of threw the whole week off! But there were definitely some highlights. Tuesday night after Pday we had an amazing lesson with john. Our branch president, president pingree came with us. It was literally the best lesson we have had since in Newport. In president pingrees words as he talked about the lesson from the pulpit yesterday "The Elders were absolutely dynamite". It was just all in all an incredible lesson.
Yesterday (Sunday) we picked up a new investigator named Reed. He seems like really a solid guy. He is neighbors with our elders president and they had already given him a book of Mormon, just goes to show how important member work really is.
We did some service for the Stevens family this week. Well elder vanderholm did some service, he made me sit there in the chair so I didn’t hurt anything worse.
It sounds like the fair was a wicked good success. I am so pleased to hear that cola did so well. However i of course have to be more proud of my little zee. That’s pretty sweet that she is turning into such a good heifer. I can’t wait to receive the pictures of the fair. And trust me it was hard thinking you were all at the fair without me. You’ll have to let me know what you end up doing about the state fair, if zee will just be wicked small I wouldn’t pay to take her down there. Just keep her growing for next year. Wait a second that means zee beat the Tillamook heifer too? Wow she is rockin it!!!
That’s so crazy that Cason leaves already, wow crazy! Cason will be a great asset to his mission. I wish I had someone in my district that could play the piano like he does, it gets a bit old singing acapella.
Other good news here in Vermont...
The humidity is completely gone. The leaves are already starting to change colors. Down side to that is... winter is around the corner and will be here before we know it.
Today is my 8 month mark. can you believe that? We are already on week 4 of the transfer so that means time is just flying by wicked fast.
Well that is really about all I can think of for today and this week. You are all in my prayers continually. Thank you for all you do for me all the time. I don’t know how I will ever repay you. Stay strong, and always remember that when times get tough Zilles don’t quit. Something about being German must make us wicked resilient.
Love you all
Elder Zilles
Dear Family and friends,
You might be trying to fill in the blanks with this letter as he starts with the happy and then never tells the not so happy…also he mentions Elder Vanderholm not letting him do the service during the week. He had to send a separate little email trying to get some insurance information from us this morning. In that one he shares that he is not doing well with his back. He is in lots of pain and his legs have had numbness while he is out working. He is trying to get into another Dr. to get another opinion on his back. We think he has wanted to think that if he ignored it maybe it would go away… I hope he has made some good progress in regards to communicating with President and Sister Stoker today and they are getting on top of things together. Very worrisome day in the Zilles home… We sure love our missionary and pray for his health and his ability to stay positive and not become discouraged as he is finding the medical help that he needs.

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