Thursday, November 27, 2014

Week 97: How to make Satan Naked

Well hello there my family,

Scripture of the week: Alma 44:45

Hope this email finds you all well. It sounds like you all had a great week spending time with sis and Ashton. Im sure it was just great to have them there. Babies really bring a special spirit into a home. We are so blessed to have her in our family at this time. Ive of course never met her, but im sure you can all feel of the real special spirit that she carries.

Im glad you were all able to enjoy the videos i sent your way, once again i wish i could take credit for the idea, but it was all heavenly father. He works in mysterious ways sometimes, but if we are listening he truly will guide and direct our paths. 

I hope dad had a good week in wisconsin. From the two pictures he sent me, it looks like he was able to escape from meetings long enough to get out and see some of our favorite cows. Not much better than driving around the home state lookin at some cows. i love those days. 
So if you are picturing Audra today, she must be looking pretty good. That makes me feel good. Youll have to make sure and send me a picture of her, its been a while since youve sent one of her. Hopefully she takes a good picture. Also hope the photo week goes well.

So it rained here i think every day this week, but that doesnt mean that it cant be a good week. Because it sure was a good week, despite the weather. I started off the week on exchange in rutland with my first son Elder Guinn. It was a great exchange. we were able to talk to alot of people. Still just makes me so happy to see how much he has grown and changed on his mission.

Our investigator came to church yesterday, and it was just the perfect sacrament meeting for him to be at for his first time. Elder Harman, one of the sr elders spoke. He relayed a story about a horse he had that got ensnared in a barbed wire fence. It was so bad that the horse should have been put down, but he felt he should nurse it back to health, so that is what he did. He likened that to the atonement, and how the atonement can take us and literally make us whole again. That was exactly what he needed to hear. So everything with him is going well. Im so grateful for all of the awesome sr couples ive gotten to know so well on my mission. All of them such amazing people. 

Yesterday afternoon we were giving tours at the monument, and this couple came through from Salt Lake, i thought they were members of the church, because they talked like they were, they knew so much. But they finally told us they were not. So as the tour went on i just continued to be amazed at how much they knew, and the special spirit they had about them. Finally i just said "alright you two are better mormons than most i know, when are you going to get baptized?" they said "probably never but we love the church". Just really great people though. The husband said "i think im gonna go home and be a tour guide at the conference center. My name tag will say Bob anderson, Lutheran." just gotta get them baptized now. Just was kind of a fun experience. 

So this week will be good. tomorrow we have zone conference, and we get to watch "meet the mormons" thatll be fun. I think this is actually my last zone conference, so that is really weird to think about, but itll be great either way. 

I wanna close with something i learned in my studies this morning. So during general conference i felt prompted that i need to do an in depth study of the war chapters in the Book of Mormon. So i started that this morning. While studying i learned something very valuable, so i want to walk you through it. Now i call it "How to make Satan naked". So yes it sounds really funny and maybe slightly inapropriate, but as i explain, you will start to see why i gave it that name. 
so here we go. 
Alma 43
Verse 4 says "... the nephites saw that the lamanites were coming upon them therefore they made preparations for war. yea they gathered together their armies in the land of Jershon. 
so from that we learn the importance of preparation, and also the importnace of coming together in our wards and stakes. 
Verse 18 "he met the Lamanites in the borders of Jershon, and his people were armed with swords and with cimetars and all manner of weapons of war." 
Verse 19 "And when the armies of the lamanites saw that the people of Nephi, or that Moroni had prepared his people with breastpaltes, and with arm shields, yea and also sheilds to defend their heads, and also they were dressed with thick clothing". 
so moroni really prepared his people very very well. 
Verse 20 "Now the army of Zerahemnah was not prepared with any such thing, they had only their swords... and they were NAKED...." 

Ok so now we have the armies of moroni who are so well prepared, and the lamanites who are so underprepared that they are described as being naked. 
ok niow how this applies to us. As we prepare our selvees and our familes spiritually, we become as teh army of moroni, so well prepared that satan will flee from us. the more spiritually prepared we are, the more NAKED satan becomes to us. 
i hope that makes sense, cause it really makes sense in my head but it may not make sense to you. Hopefully it does though. 
Sure love you all
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles

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