My heart is full today. Conference was amazing and is such a blessing in our lives. I think we often take it for granted. But we are so blessed to have the Gospel restored in its fulness with a prophet and 12 apostles to guide and direct The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There were so many great talks in conference that it is hard to choose just one that was my favorite. But to me an over arching theme throughout the whole conference was that the most important things in life now and forever will be our FAITH and our FAMILIES. One without the other will not do, Faith and Familes must be together in one. I feel so blessed to have been raised in a family that has faith and they know how to show it. I thank you for that. It is that faith that will ultimaely make all things right. You probably say no that is the atonement that will make all things right, and if you say that, you are correct, but it is by faith that we can utilize the power of the atonement in our lives. Trials will come, they always will, but they are part of our mortal existence. Trials are never easy, hence they are called trials, but they CAN help us to grow if we allow them to. I say can, because they only help us grow if we face them with faith and allow the enabling power of the atonement to work in our lives.
I really appreciated Elder M. Russel Ballards talk, he talked about the number one rule, and that is to stay in the boat. When trials come, we must stay in the boat. it is at those times that we not only need to stay in the boat, but we need to be even more steadfast in the boat than we have ever been before, and then when we make it through that trial we dont let up, we stay just as steadfast in the boat as we were through the trial. I dont know if any of this has made any sense, but i needed to say it any way. I love this gospel with all my heart, i know it to be true. It is the only way to true and lasting joy. I love Jesus Christ he is my savior. I truly truly love him. He is your savior as well. He will carry us in our times of stress and need, and one day we will be able to run up to him and he will wrap us in those loving arms and will hold us tight.. it will be then that we will be able to see his face and truly see the love that he has for us in a whole new way than ever seen before. Our Father in Heaven knows each of us and he loves us all. As was said in conference this weekend, "HE KNOWS YOUR NAME"! I know that to be true. I trust in the promises of God. He will always keep his promises if we uphold our end of our covenants. He promises that if we are faithful all will be well in the end. I know that to be true. One day we will no longer have to experience the pain and sorrow we now face, but for now we have to take it and learn and grow from it. He knows us and he loves us. Rely on him every hour of each day. I know Jospeh Smith saw what he said he saw, i write this while sitting on sacred soil where he was born, i know it all to be true. President Monson holds that restored priesthood power, please utilize it. I love you all and thank your for being my family.
Ok hopefully i didnt bore you all to death with that there, but that is just how i felt i needed to start this weeks email. What a week it has been though. I wish i could report that we had found at least one new investigator, but we did not find one yet this week, but we are just working our tails off, and when the time is right we will find those who the lord is preparing. They are out there and we will find them. We knocked alot of doors this week and it was jsut a party just as tracting always is. Elder Adams is continuing to grow as a missionary. It is cool to watch him as he catches on to things here in the Green Mountain State.
We didnt end up going to Billings last week, but we are heading there today. Last week we went on a hike up "Patriarchs Peak" ill attach pictures from that, but it is a "mountain" at least to these new englanders that overlooks the monument. It was very cool. Just as is said in Alma chapter 30, "all things denote there is a God". I love Vermont, it is great. But will love seeing the wide open spaces of Weston Idaho when i return home.
Tomorrow we have New missionary training down in manchester i really cant wait to see president, i just love that man.
So now for my favorite conference highlights....
Saturday morning i really loved the talk on the sacrament by Cheryl A. Esplin, i think it is a talk we can all really apply to our lives.
I also enjoyed the talk on the call to rescue by Chi Hong Wong.
Elder Christopherson gave a great talk, as did President Uchtdorf.
I of course loved Elder Andersons on the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Elder Callister taught great things about the role of parents.
Jorg Klebingat gave us 6 great steps on what i would say how to be happy.
Elder Holland gave once again an amazing talk on caring for the poor, i knew dad would enjoy that one as it applies so much to fast offerings.
Favorite Preisthood session was President Eyrings talk on Priesthood Preparation.
Last but not least Richard G. Scott gave an amazing talk. His are usually a bit dry in my opinion but this one really touched me.
So as you can see i loved all of conference that is most the talks right there. They are all just great, and i really look forward to studying them more and more, and hope that you will do the same personally and in family home evening.
i love you all so much
Hold to the Rod
Elder Zilles
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