Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 67: become Christ like-Show more love

Hey Erry Body,
Yes i meant to spell it that way, not a type, when you live in the manchester ghetto you get to talk sweet!

Scripture of the week: Hymn 169

So yesterday was ward conference here in the Bedford ward, and i think it was probably the best normal sacrament meeting i have ever been to in my entire life! All the talks were just really fantastic, and the spirit was just blowing up in the chapel, it was just great! We sang hymn 169 as the sacrament hymn, and i dont know what it was this week, but i must have just really needed to hear the words in that song, because they touched me so much. So i thought i would share it with the lot of you.

The lesson in sunday school was of course a combined priesthood and relief society lesson the topic was "how to become more christ like" I think the conclusion we came to is that the best way to become more christ like is to show more love. Everything he did for us he did out of pure perfect love, so as we strive and pray to be able to have the pure love for everyone, we will become more and more christ like each day! 

So we were not able to go to the temple this week, so we are planning to go next tuesday the 8th. That is as long as neither of us are getting transferred, cause yup this week is already week 6. where did the time go? We will be going to the temple with Ian Hagen, a member of the ward who just got home from his mission, hes a super cool cat. I cant wait to go to the temple. 

I was on exchange with a new missionary named Elder Harper this week, and well lets just say it was an adventure. I go on an exchange with someone in the zone almost every week, but this one was interesting. Elder Harper reminds me way too much of Elder Guinn when he first got into the mission. It was crazy how similar they are. It was really good for me to be able to reflect back to that part of my mission and see what i could use from then to best help this backwards new missionary. im sure he will be just fine when its all said and done. After all Elder Guinn has turned out just fine. Elder Harper asked me what my key to success on my mission was and as i thought about it i realized it is not my key to success at all. I have essentially accomplished nothing out here. I have simply just been the tool heavenly father has used to bring souls to Christ. But without his help i would have been able to do none of the things that have been so amazing in the last 15 months. But i did come up with what i call the "Elder Zilles 3 Steps to a successful Mission"
1. Love the savior with all your heart.
2. Strengthen your testimony each day
3. Work diligently and be obedient. 
Those three things are the reason i am able to look at my mission with zero regrets. I was thinking about it, and those 3 steps can be applied to any one in the gospel regardless of our calling in the church. 

My contacts made it to me this week, thank you so much. The dentist however sucked. I have to get a stinkin root canal some time here real soon. So someone here from the office will probably be calling home to get details on a place somewhere close that will take our insurance. I dont even know if our insurance covers stuff like that. Im sorry to burden you all with this crap, but i really am so grateful for all that you do for me. Sure would be nice if while on a mission we didnt have to deal with any normal health issues, but obviously that is not the case what so ever. 

Sounds like nacho had a great birthday. Sorry once again i didnt get anything put together to send to her. Life has just been too crazy. But im glad it went good. 
Sounds like all else is pretty good on the homefront. You are all constantly in my prayers. Im so grateful you get to go to the temple with the gregory family, i wish i could be there but it will be so great to have you there for me. 

So our teaching pool doubled this week. Yup we actually found someone to teach. So we now have two investigators. The new ones name is Matt. We tracted in to him. young guy, lives a very humble life style. Had to take dads advice and not knock doors in the well off parts, so matt lives in about the most humble place in manchester, the projects, so far he seems like a great guy though. 

Welp i hope you all have a fantastic time in moscow with my little girl. im pretty jealous. Its raining here right now with a mix of sleet, so at least its not lots of white crap. Have Mission leadership tomorrow, then conference this weekend which i cant wait for, and then the transfer is over. Slow down time!!!

Love ya muchly. 
Hold to the rod
Elder Toner  

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