Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 69: The Best week of my life!

Welcome to the best week of my life!
Scripture of the week: alma 26:16
This scripture will really tell how i feel right now, but i will try to do it justice in my email as well. Alma 26 is the chapter in the Book of mormon that really just sums up a mission perfectly, and how i feel this week.
Saturday was such an amazing day, even though i was not wth yall at the temple it was still the best day of my life. Just knowing that you were all there just made me so happy. Not a worldly happy, but the kind of happiness that only come from the truthfulness of the gospel of jesus christ.
Spring has sprung here in the hamp,and with that has come alot more people to talk with on the streets, which is actually yeilding a teaching pool. And not only a teaching pool, but a baptismal DATE! In Bedford you may ask... Heck yes in Bedford. When he told president he was so surprised. Man it was jsut awesome. His name is Adam and he is 20 years old. the lesson with him was just amazing and it was the first time in a long time that i cried while teaching a lesson. He came to church yesterday and it was just so stinkin amazing.
Other awesome things that happened this week... the word from essex.. Loren got baptized so cool. Alix is now in the young womens presidency, and Brian is now the gospel doctrine teacher. this work is so amazing. Tough as all get out, but it is the most rewarding that could ever be done, i love my mission with all my heart i hope you all know that!
Elder Z and Elder Neilsen
If i am not mistaken this week is the all utah show. Pretty jelly that i dont get to be at that too, but its all good i will be at it next year. Wow that is a weird thought.
Speaking of the cows, its time for updated pictures of every body.
Sounds like every one else is doing super good on the home front. missions are so stinkin COOL!
My new comp is Elder Holley. He too came out with me. I miss elder N like crazy but i think elder holley and i will be able to do some good work together.
I cant believe Karson is home already. I miss that kid. If you see him give him a big old hug for me.
 thanks for the debt card and insurance info. Could you send me the info on our insurance, ive been putting off the root canal, but one of these days i really just need to go in and get it done, even though its not going to be fun at all.
Sister Reid, Elder Z, and Elder Neilsen
Im sorry this email is so short, my mind is just super scattered today cause i am in such a good mood. Hope yall know how much i love ya though.
This week is easter that means we are celebrating the ressuraction of our savior. I hope you will all reflect on what that means to you this week. it gives so much light and hope to our lives here on earth. We will live again after this life. With the restored gospel we will be able to live with our loved one for eternity. Please take time this week to think of how you can more personally apply the atonement in your every day life.
I love you all so much!
Hold to the rod
Elder Toner

Week 68: General Conference

Hola family,

Scripture of the week: 1 nephi 3:7,15

Well yup it is monday, so that means i am not going to the temple tomorrow. We found out friday night that Elder Nielsen is being transferred tomorrow, so i will be gettting a new companion. Pretty sad our companionship only lasted 6 weeks, but the lord has things in store for us this transfer. I will be getting a companion that is a new zone leader so i will be training another one. Two zone leader babies dang!
Sounds like you all had a great week with moscow, ashton, and genconf! Life is good!
Conference was pretty fantastic. I forgot my conference notes so i cant give you all of my normal insights so you will all just have to rely on your own insights for a little while. But i will give you the list of talks to re listen to asap...

  • Linda S. Reeves
  • Dallin H oaks priesthood session
  • David A. Bednar
  • Bayd k. packer
  • Lawrence Corbridge
  • D todd christopherson
  • Elder Ballard
Thats the list of some of my favorites and of course elder holland as well.
Not a whole lot other stuff happened this week. Tuesday we had our leadership meeting and then that night we got to drive the mission van to vermont to return missionaries. I got to spend the night back in Essex and it was just amazing, sister poll made me cinnomon rolls. Pics will follow.
Elder and Sister Poll
So this week our car was in the shop cause elder Nielsen hit a snow bank back before i got here. So instead of walking all week president let us drive the 15 passanger van we call it moose. Well moose looks alot like one of those creeper kidnapping vans, and we pulled into a subdivision to contact some less active peeps and saw a sign that said neighborhood watch, we then both looked at each other and said yup we will come back another day when we are not in our creeper van. Gotta love it.
Im excited to see who my new companion will be. I had a dream this week that it was Elder Vanderholm. Fat chance of that happening, but it would make my life if it did happen!
I will attach some pictures from this week here in a second. Feel like i dont have much to report, but i sure do love all of you guys.
I was doing a study this week and came up with the following...
In D&C 90:11 the lords says that everyone will hear the gospel in his own tongue we always think of that as his own language but i have decided that could very easily be taken to mean in his own way or style or fashion, in what ever way will best touch his heart. Well along with that, every one does missionary work in their own way as well... the lord will put people in your path that will be touched by the way you do missionary work. Never forget that!
Hope that made sense. Sure do love ya
Elder Zilles
Hold to the rod

Week 67: become Christ like-Show more love

Hey Erry Body,
Yes i meant to spell it that way, not a type, when you live in the manchester ghetto you get to talk sweet!

Scripture of the week: Hymn 169

So yesterday was ward conference here in the Bedford ward, and i think it was probably the best normal sacrament meeting i have ever been to in my entire life! All the talks were just really fantastic, and the spirit was just blowing up in the chapel, it was just great! We sang hymn 169 as the sacrament hymn, and i dont know what it was this week, but i must have just really needed to hear the words in that song, because they touched me so much. So i thought i would share it with the lot of you.

The lesson in sunday school was of course a combined priesthood and relief society lesson the topic was "how to become more christ like" I think the conclusion we came to is that the best way to become more christ like is to show more love. Everything he did for us he did out of pure perfect love, so as we strive and pray to be able to have the pure love for everyone, we will become more and more christ like each day! 

So we were not able to go to the temple this week, so we are planning to go next tuesday the 8th. That is as long as neither of us are getting transferred, cause yup this week is already week 6. where did the time go? We will be going to the temple with Ian Hagen, a member of the ward who just got home from his mission, hes a super cool cat. I cant wait to go to the temple. 

I was on exchange with a new missionary named Elder Harper this week, and well lets just say it was an adventure. I go on an exchange with someone in the zone almost every week, but this one was interesting. Elder Harper reminds me way too much of Elder Guinn when he first got into the mission. It was crazy how similar they are. It was really good for me to be able to reflect back to that part of my mission and see what i could use from then to best help this backwards new missionary. im sure he will be just fine when its all said and done. After all Elder Guinn has turned out just fine. Elder Harper asked me what my key to success on my mission was and as i thought about it i realized it is not my key to success at all. I have essentially accomplished nothing out here. I have simply just been the tool heavenly father has used to bring souls to Christ. But without his help i would have been able to do none of the things that have been so amazing in the last 15 months. But i did come up with what i call the "Elder Zilles 3 Steps to a successful Mission"
1. Love the savior with all your heart.
2. Strengthen your testimony each day
3. Work diligently and be obedient. 
Those three things are the reason i am able to look at my mission with zero regrets. I was thinking about it, and those 3 steps can be applied to any one in the gospel regardless of our calling in the church. 

My contacts made it to me this week, thank you so much. The dentist however sucked. I have to get a stinkin root canal some time here real soon. So someone here from the office will probably be calling home to get details on a place somewhere close that will take our insurance. I dont even know if our insurance covers stuff like that. Im sorry to burden you all with this crap, but i really am so grateful for all that you do for me. Sure would be nice if while on a mission we didnt have to deal with any normal health issues, but obviously that is not the case what so ever. 

Sounds like nacho had a great birthday. Sorry once again i didnt get anything put together to send to her. Life has just been too crazy. But im glad it went good. 
Sounds like all else is pretty good on the homefront. You are all constantly in my prayers. Im so grateful you get to go to the temple with the gregory family, i wish i could be there but it will be so great to have you there for me. 

So our teaching pool doubled this week. Yup we actually found someone to teach. So we now have two investigators. The new ones name is Matt. We tracted in to him. young guy, lives a very humble life style. Had to take dads advice and not knock doors in the well off parts, so matt lives in about the most humble place in manchester, the projects, so far he seems like a great guy though. 

Welp i hope you all have a fantastic time in moscow with my little girl. im pretty jealous. Its raining here right now with a mix of sleet, so at least its not lots of white crap. Have Mission leadership tomorrow, then conference this weekend which i cant wait for, and then the transfer is over. Slow down time!!!

Love ya muchly. 
Hold to the rod
Elder Toner  

Week 66: Members and Missionaries are called to do the exact same work

Hola mi familia,

scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 4:20

 Well, it sounds like things in IDAHO are going well. Lou is gonna be 15 i think right? That makes me feel like an old man. And maybe I just have a bad memory, but I don’t have a clue what play she is doing, so please fill me in on that, and make sure you take pics and send them my way.

 things here are good. Spring may or may not ever come. They are calling for more snow this week, but last week they said that and it never came, so i guess we will see if we get it or not. sure is a dragging winter though. I must say that probably the best part about new hamp over Vermont is the amount the sun shines. The sun shines way more here than in my Vermont, but still not enough to make me love it more. Maybe one of these days I’ll be able to put on a short sleeve shirt and then go out and go to work, but until that time sweaters and coat it is.

 Our teaching pool sadly didn’t grow at all this week. Saturday we stopped by every house that had records for the town of Bedford and not a single person or their neighbors were interested. It was a tough day, but we made it through it. We decided that in ward council we were just going to pretty much beg for help in the most humble manner we could muster. Well we got into WC and said we have been here for 4 weeks and have had nothing happen, then after that, everything that we had planned to say, the bishop took over and said it for us. So at least from this we learned that we have the bishop on our side. It is really a great ward, they just need some help in the right direction. We have put together a "work of salvation" lesson to share with the members, and shared it with bishops family last night and it was a hit. The spirit was super strong, so I think in time we will be able to start getting the members fired up about the work of salvation.

When you sit back and think about it, members and missionaries are called to do the exact same work. We are here for the same purpose. Just cause you don’t have a badge on and you get to watch TV does not mean you are not called to do the work of the lord. Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ. That is not only the purpose of the full time missionaries, that is the purpose of every member who has ever set foot in a baptismal font of this church. We read in the scriptures that it is our duty, once we have been warned to warn those we meet each day. That warning can come in many forms, but the thing that matters is that we raise that warning voice and give them the clear choice to accept or reject the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been committing the members here to make a list of EVERY one that they know and pray to know who on that list to share the gospel with. So now here is your commitment, will you all make a list and pray to know who to share the gospel with? yes you will? ok good I’m glad we are all on the same page!

 Today I am headed to the dentist to get a filling replaced. It fell out and now my tooth hurts pretty good so that should be fun, NOT!

 We are trying to get it arranged to go to the temple next Wednesday so if that ends up working out then I won’t be emailing till Wednesday so don’t panic.

 Well that’s about all I can think of for today. Hope you all have a splendid week. Stay strong and have a fantastic birthday time.

Hold to the rod
Elder Toner
PS I got the cheese and cookies but forgot to say thank you last week you’re the best

Week 65: every day good examples-effective missionary work

Hey Family,

Scripture of the week: D&C 10:5

Well i am happy to hear things are well on the home front. Jealous that spring has hit you in full force, but i guess it will be here sometime for me. This week was better for us here in Bedford, but still not a whole lot of teaching happened! You are correct about the ward not being to pumped with missionary work because the assistants never had time to get them excited about it! they are an awesome ward and they love the gospel, they just are not quite sure how to take their everyday good examples and turn it into effective missionary work. We are in the process of planning something to get them excited about it. We want to use the work of salvation broadcast as part of it, so we will have to see what out little minds can come up with.

Elder Nielsen is from Riverton Utah. Remember Elder Jessee whos parents you met at the wilkeys home coming? He and Elder Nielsen grew up as neighbors and now are in the same mission, pretty cool. Elder Nielsen was on the other mtc district, but i do rememeber meeting him at the mtc. If you look back at those old mtc pics in front of the map... he is the one with the goofy red scarf. Elder Childers is the one you were talking about from riverdale, i see him once in a while at meetings, but not very often because he is in maine. Ive decided that my goal is to never get to maine. Few more months here in The HAMP and then back to my Vermont.

Im a bit freaked out that my little sis has her permit, not because i dont trust her just because that makes me feel old. I am old enough now that i can actually say "remember when"! thats a weird thought. Also crazy to think dad is going to be 50 this year. Just as long as he doesnt decide to get like a tramp stamp or something for his mid life crisis. A brother in the bedford ward came in the other day and said im going though a mid life crisis... can you see a difference? we were all confused and wondering what he was refering to.. he then said... i used a blow dryer this morning! ha it was pretty stinkin funny!

Im writing this email in the mission office, they are all in staff meeting, so we snuck in here and stole the computers for a while! You asked if we have taken on office duties, and i guess you could say yes. What happens is there is too much for the assistants to do sometimes so we get called on because we are the zone leaders and are so close. President doesnt like to call regular office elders or sisters so things can get pretty crazy around here, but we make it work, and things actually run quite smoothly. This will be the first week we wont have a bunch of elders sleeping at our apartment and eating all of our food. We have a huge apartment, we have 6 bunk beds, so any time there is a meeting here in manchester we have elders staying the night with us. Gotta love it, except for when they eat my food and then make my apartment a mess. Only problem with a big apartment is having so much more area to keep clean.

So the highlight of this week was when we got to dump a bunch of coffee down the toilet...! We taught a LA and commited him to get off coffee again, he wasnt so sure about it so i said " give it to us and we will dispose of it" it was quite enjoyable!

Well family i sure do love you and hope yall have a fantastic week.
Hold to the rod
Elder Toner