John 15:5, Philipians 4:13
I apologize for this email being a day late. We were supposed to have zone conference last thursday, but do to a snow storm it was moved to yesterday. Probably a good thing too, because thursday and friday combined we got 14 inches of snow here in Essex. Supposedly they got almost 6 inches more than that down in Manchester.
Well it sounds like life on the home front has been pretty fantastic. Im sure Jax man gave a wonderful talk. A mission is the best thing for anyones life. They always say the best two years of your life, but really its the best two years for your life! I think about it often, think who would i be without my mission? I would be no body, and that is not who our heavenly father wants me to be. Thats not to say that people who dont go are no body, im just saying that for me personally i dont know where i would be without my mission. Im so grateful for the time ive had, and even more grateful for the time i have left.
Im sorry for all the mud youve had back home, but i must admit i have been so happy to hear of all of the moisture youve been getting! Elder Poll updates me daily on the amount of moisture in Cache Valley.
Im gonna talk about zone conference alot today, but first i have to tell you about a cool experience we had with one of our investigators! So we were supposed to meet with her friday, but because of the snow the car was grounded, so that fell through, well sunday she said "hey wanna have a lesson during 3rd hour?", so we did that! One of the goals elder davis and i set was to be wicked bold about everything this week. so that is exactly what we did! First you have to realize she (the investigator) has been learning for more than two years and has never even come close to having a baptismal date... well not any more! she has a date set for april 10th, i am sure i will be long gone by then, but its still just really cool to get to set the date with her.
Other than that we pretty much just shoveled snow all week.
Now for zone conference... As i told you before president decided to do the training on the talk we used for our zone training a few months ago the title is the "4th missionary". So this talk goes over the four types of missionaries there are in the field. To make a long story short ill just tell you that the 4th type is where you want to be, to define the 4th type we will just say that he is the most christlike of the four. Really the biggest thing this talk does is help you see that the choices you make on your mission will not only effect your mission, but they will literally shape what the rest of eternity will look like for you!
We started off by talking about the part of our missions that are already past and gone. As i was sitting there, i realized that i would not change a single thing from the last 14 months of my mission. It has really just been so incredible. sure i could have done better at times, but i have grown from every single experience i have had, and that is what its all about! The challenges i have faced are making me who heavenly father wants me to be, and i am so grateful for that in my life!
We also talked alot about how our VERY BEST will always be good enough for our heavenly father. That doesnt just apply to missionaries, that applies to each one of you as well. Never forget that the very best you can do is goon enough for our father in heaven.
Ah man we talked about so much amazing stuff i could never get it all into an email, so i hope these few tidbits uplift you all just a little bit. I will end the zone conference portion with a quote from President Stoker "At the sacrament we can look back and repent, and then look forward and move forward" Dont dwell on the mistakes of your past.
So you asked about elder Wells and Lund. Elder Lund is from my mtc group, and elder wells, i dont really know how we got to be such good freinds. He was here in essex with elder simkins before me, and i dunno we are just super tight. Kinda just like one of those things that friends are friends no matter how long youve known them. Im so blessed to have made so many new friends on my mission.
Well family, we are going bowling with our district today so i gotta run. Yes we are wearing our plaid pants.
Sure do love ya
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles
PS read hymn 266 4th vs
Be fixed in your purpose, for Satan will try you;
The weight of your calling he perfectly knows.
Your path may be thorny, but Jesus is nigh you;
His arm is sufficient, tho demons oppose.
His arm is sufficient, tho demons oppose.
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