Hello my Family,
Scripture of the week: Alma 31:31
This is a scripture I found this week while studying, and it really hit me hard how all the real lasting
comfort that we need and can obtain in this life come through our brother and savior Jesus Christ.
Well what a crazy wild week.
First things first, to get yall straightened out! Elder Simkins is going home TOMORROW! Yup the past
six weeks have totally just blown right on by. As Zone Leaders there is ZL1 and ZL2, well I had every
intention of staying as ZL2, but I guess the lord had something else in mind for me, I of course am staying
in Essex, but am going to be ZL1, also my new comp will be a first time zone leader, so after just 6 weeks
of this I have to train a new one how to do all of this ZL goodness. It will be great though. So tomorrow
we are headed to transfer meeting in Manchester. I am pretty stoked, it’s the first time I’ve gotten to go to
a transfer meeting since March when I picked elder Guinn up, pretty good streak if ya ask me. Crazy to
think that in a year I will be in elder Simkins shoes and will be heading home! The time sure flies just gotta
live it up while I got it.
Well thanksgiving was great! We had a wonderful time at the bishops, good food, but I’m sure it could not
compare with food at the Barringer family get together. Yup you guessed it the thing I missed the most
was the pomegranate salad. Well as you know we could not play in a turkey bowl, so being me I decided
we needed to come up with a way for our zone to have a bit of a competition. So we decided we would
have a turkey eat off. We had everyone in the zone weigh themselves t giving morning and then at the
end of the day to see how much we had all gained. It was a good time. The crazy thing was I weighed in
the exact same morning and night, it was pretty crazy. But oh well.
So I realized today that since I got to Essex I have been terrible at updating you on the people we are
teaching, so I am going to try to start doing better with that. Friday night we got the privilege to go down to
the JSM for the lighting of the memorial. We were able to take one of our investigators. We will be setting
a baptism date next time we meet with one of our other families! Speaking of bap dates, we set one last
night with an amazing friend. We are tag teaching him with the Polls and he is literally the coolest person
ever. He is in his 40s and in a wheelchair, he is so amazing. He is scheduled to be baptized December
21st so excited.
Last night we spent some time with the polls, we decorated their little Christmas tree, so that was pretty
great. I won’t be home for Christmas but I will be in the next best place. Sister poll wants me to bring my
Christmas packages over and put them under the tree and open them over there on Christmas morning.
There is a member of the ward that looks scary like grandpa don. His name is brother Seay, but I told him
he looks like grandpa so now I call him grandpa Seay. He is so funny.
It sounds like t-give day was a good time as usual. Also glad the tree hunt was good.
This week would normally be training week in Manchester, but with transfers they moved it to next week,
so yup it’ll just be another super busy week. But don’t get me wrong I absolutely love my calling.
We have our ward party on the 14th. This Saturday we have what they call the "festival of choirs" choirs
from 7 different denominations come to the chapel and we put on a huge concert. We are ushering for
that, so it should be a great opportunity to get to meet some awesome new people.
I actually found a few second to write some letters this morning while elder simkins took his LAST ever
reports from the zone. So those will be on the way sometime this week. Also I got my awesome package.
I have worn my shirt to write in my journal each night this week. Cookies were great as well. I can’t think
of much else I need to tell you at the moment, but I am sure there will be more that I think of later.
Sure love you
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles
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