Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 31: The Lord works in mysterious ways

Hola my familia,

Scripture of the week: D&C 124:113-114

Wow can you believe it is already week 6 of the transfer, transfer calls will be here this Saturday. I don’t forsee me going anywhere, but you really never know.
Well I have a lot to report on some good and some not good at all, so I’ll get the not good out of the way first.
My head aches were so bad this week I finally gave in and went to the chiropractor. I still haven’t decided if I am glad I did that or not, but so is life. Well it turns out that I have been diagnosed with a SEVERE spinal sprain. Dr Brown described it as a sprained ankle, but from my lower back up through my neck. So yup that explains the headaches. He was glad I came in, but was also very upset with me for not coming in and doing something about it much sooner. So things this week have been pretty dismal, I have been flat out scared they were going to send me home for some recovery time, but im pretty sure we got them talked out of that. Dr Brown has put me on a two week bed rest. He wants me flat on my back as often as possible. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I feel so worthless just sitting in the apartment not teaching. But he told me I either do that, go home, or I can count on having serious back surgery in a few short years. So I’ve had to force myself to be lying down as much as possible. He hopes that because I am so young I will heal fast and it won’t have to be a two week bed rest. I have to go see him every day, once it starts to heal he is going to get me on some strengthening exercises and then I will be back to work. When he first worked on me these were his exact words “if you had come to me before your mission you would not have passed a physical, and if I had a chiropractic hospital I would admit you right now".
 But no worries I got a blessing from president Goodrich who is a member of the mission presidency and everything is going to work out just fine. In the blessing he told me I would heal just fine and be back to full health, he also said the lord works in mysterious ways, and then blessed me to know how I can share the gospel with dr brown, who is married to a member but is not a member. It was the coolest blessing I have ever had. 
So yes the lord does work in mysterious ways, and as bad as these back troubles are, it’s a blessing in disguise. Kind of funny though while he was working in my back the other day he found that I have a torn rotator cuff as well. Ha the things football does to us...

But hey on a happier note my interview with President Stoker was so great. I was totally able to feel that he was called here for a reason. The love he showed for me was so incredible.

I am so glad you were able to go to the wilkeys talk. I am glad you now see why I love them so much, the love that emanates from them is incredible. that’s awesome you got to meet the chenster, he looks like he is doing well. He sent me my favorite cd that we used to listen to when we were comps this week he is a good guy, I miss him a ton. But each companion is given to us for a reason. Elder Vanderholm is being such a great support during this trial.

 This week I got some awesome letters from the primary, I got them the day I was told about my back so it was a great uplifter. Also got pics from the Oregon trip, looks like you guys had such a good time. The picture of the horses all ready to go looks awesome too thanks for sending that. Tuff looks really good; I really can’t wait to ride him. It will be the dead of winter when I get home, but I’m still taking him out right away. I am so appreciative of Brittany working with him. make sure she knows that.
Mom that pic of me and audra was great, also another uplifter that I needed that day. I hope she soon looks good enough to send me a picture of her. I would also like a picture of Norma, of the rest of the heifers at home. Of Janet and contender, of faith and the Goldwyn, and of daysha when she calves in. I need to keep track of my cows.

Well I hope I was able to cover everything.

Keep me in your prayers this week as I suffer through lying on my bed while no missionary work is getting done. Extra letters from home would be greatly appreciated to keep me from going absolutely insane.
Love you guys
Elder Toner

Quinton's Address:
71 Eastern Ave #3
Newport Vt, 05855

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