Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 10: Best day of my life

Hello all you country bumbkins out west,
Scripture of the week..... Isaiah 40:29-31, and D&C 122:1-4.
Ok so first off saturday was probably the best day of my life. I was just sooooo happy all day and it was just flat out amazing. the baptism wasn't till 3 so we were super anxious most of the day just awaiting the special time. the font takes a few hours to fill, so we had to be there by 1 to start filling it and then we had a bit of time to just chill so that was nice, cause we dont get chill time very often around here. Gregorys asked if we could do pictures at 230 so once they got there we were busy with that for a while. they were all smiles when they walked in, it was so neat i have never seen brother g so happy. Elder Gregory did the baptizing, and it went smoother than we expected it would, brother g is a pretty stout guy, so elder Gregory was straining pretty hard but he got it done. the spirit that filled the whole church was just so amazing, ive never felt that way before. If i dont see another baptism my whole mission i wont mind, because that one was so amazing. He was confermed on sunday in sacrament mtg. elder c and i got to stand in on that and it was a very powerful experience. He also got to recieve the aaronic priesthood yesterday, and he and sister gregory are going to do baptisms next saturday. Elder Gregory heads out tomorrow morning. Im really going to miss him, hes become a great friend. We are having "the last supper" with him tonight. On sunday sister gregory pulled us aside and thanked us profusely for everything, and told us we would be a part of their lives forever now, so that was neat to have her say. There is so much more i could say about the baptism but its just not the same as telling it in person, so this will just have to do.
The SISTERS........... dundundun........ are actually very awesome.
 Sister wilkey made me call the church doctor about my toe. And yall know how much i hate doctors. Its not broken but there is def something wrong with it, who knows what it is. He got me an antibiotic to help it cause its some sort of weird infection. the pills are no joke bigger than calf bolus pills that we give to calves.
We have been fellowshipping a less active couple named the camerons, and bro cameron coached football, and also played at ricks college, so he and i talk football pretty much the whole time.
We started teaching Jinny this week, she is the jablonskis friend that i talked about a few weeks ago, it was an awesome lesson with her. The rest of our investigators are super frustrating at the moment, so please pray for my patience.
The best news for the week is that fact that we got to keep our car. The mission got enough new cars that the sisters got one too so that was a relief. i am not sure how many total missionaries we have, ill have to get back to you on that one. President told us that the new mission presidents name is president stocker he is from arizona. they will be here in june.
I think thats about all for today. I hope you are all well. Always remember that i love you all.
Keep on keepin on.
Love always,
Elder Quinton Joseph Zilles

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