Hello Family,
Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 3:13,24
I think this week enters the books as the fastest week of my life. It seems like i was just sitting at this computer writing you. Maybe thats cause i was just sitting at this computer not even 12 hours ago typing stuff for zone conference, yup thats probably it. Yeah sleep is pretty much secondary lately, but thats ok the lord is really blessing me with the extra energy that i need to keep going. I havent even had a Mt. Dew yet, not gonna break my no pop streak.
Great to hear all is well on the homefront. It always does my heart good to hear that. Cant believe ash will be a year old this week. Happy freakin birthday to her (oh and to sis as well) How old is sis going to be? yea i know im terrible and dont even know how old my sister is. Oh well she will just have to forgive me.
Alright so for the events of the week. It was really a great week. Worked in 3 different areas and slept in four. Crazy week but it was really good. I finally got to see the maine coast. It does exist and is not just a figment of imagination. wednesday we were in rockland maine, a little coastal town. The apartment was not even a mile from the ocean, so for morning workout we ran to it. they dont really have many beaches here on the east coast. Its very very rocky unlike the sand on the west coast. but still very cool to see the ocean. I am really enjoying working with the missionaries. Its really a treat to see them grow and progress.
Probably my favorite area that i got to work in was Waterville Maine. Elder Chen served there way back when, so i had heard stories about it, so it was neat to get to work there for a day. After that we worked in Slowhegan Maine. Lots of travelling thats for sure.
So i just want to share a neat story from my day in Waterville. We decided we would walk the whole day so we could talk to as many; people as possible on the streets. (thats one of my training things for this transfer is teaching them to talk with everyone) so we had been walking all day and my comp for the day Elder Sheriff felt we should try one more house. Well we walked about another half mile and went to the house number, and it didnt exist, so we decided to knock around the area. Cause we felt impressed to be there, so we knew heavenly father had someone for us there or he wouldnt have sent us there. well it didnt take long at all to find out why we were there. The first door we knocked was the reason we were there. A couple answered the door and were super nice. They talked to us for about 10 minutes telling us their story. He is a cancer surviver and is known as the walking miracle just a super cool couple. Well Elder Sheriff felt prompted to pull out a picture of the temple (salt lake) when he did so their eyes just lit up, even before we told them what it was. Super cool to see that. Moral of the story is go to the temple often. It has an amazing effect on those who dont even know what it is, so just think of the effect it can have on us.
The baseball game was super cool. Presidents pitch was sweet.Nice and crisp right over the plate. i had the opportunity saturday morning to practice with him at the mission home, it was really neat.
Our Baptism Sunday was really cool, he is 18, boy friend of a member he has been being taught for about 6 months. Good kid. I really wish i knew more about him but i really dont. All that matters is he was baptized yesterday and it was really sweet.
So this week is going to be a bit slower than last and next so that will be nice. Today we have normal morning stuff, but after that we dont have to drive anywhere so we will get to go play some ball finally its been forever. Tomorrow we are headed back to maine for zone conference, and wednesday another zone conference. But after that we are back in our area for the rest of the week so we will actually get to do work here for once. Itll be good.
Well i sure love you guys. im gonna close with a poem by President Eyring that president stoker shared at the new missionary meeting this week.
The Fellowship of the Unashamed:
I am part of the unashamed
The die has been cast, i have stepped over the line
I am a disciple of Jesus Christ
I wont look back, let up slow down or be still
my past is redeemed my presence makes sense and my future is secure
im finished and done with low living small planning smooth knees
colorless dreams tamed visions and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need pre-eminence positions promotions plaudits or popularity.
I dont have to be right, first recognized praised regarded or rewarded
I now live by faith lean on his presence walk with penance am uplifted by prayer and labor with power.
My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven.
My road is narrow my way is rough my companions are few my guide reliable my mission clear. I cannot be bought compromised detoured lured away divided or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity
or meander in the mass of mediocrity.
I wont give up shut up or let up until i have stayed up stored up and paid up for the name of Christ.
I must go on til he comes, give til i drop, preach til all i know and work til he stops me and when he returns for his own he will have no problem recognizing me my banner will be clear.
For i am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone that believeth.. (Romans 1:16)
Love you all so much
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles