Sunday, August 31, 2014

Week 88: Ether 12:27

Hello Family,
Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 7:7-8 
Well sounds like it was a really great week on the home front. Im always happy to hear that. 85 years old way to go grandpa. Sounds like it was a great party, pretty bummed i had to miss the shrimp boil, but oh well next year. Sounds like all the cousins are doing really well. Everyone is so growed up. Its pretty cool to see how strong in the gospel our family as a whole is. I am so grateful for that. 
The Ogden temple looks amazing. Such a huge change from the old cup cake shape. Very Beautiful.
So this week was great. We ended up working in six areas so needless to say we were beyond tired when we got home saturday night, but we made it through and it ended up being a really great week. I mean any week spent in Vermont is a good week. So many missionaries complain so much about Vermont, but i just love it there so much. The work is much tougher there than anywhere else in the mission, but it is such an amazing place. I guess when you are there for 14 months you probably have a different view than someone who is only there for a short period of time. Had a good time in essex. Got to see Brian for a few minutes so that was great. He is the Gospel Principles teacher right now so that is pretty cool. 
We were driving from our 5th area to our 6th area on friday night, it was about 930 and we were in the big van (we had to deliver some furniture to an apartment) we heard a weird noise so we got out to find a flat tire. So at 930 in the middle of no where pitch black vermont we changed a tire without a flash light, it was a party. Gotta love it. 
All in all it was just a really great week.

So i wanted to share something with you that the spirit has been teaching me over the course of a few weeks. Its really amazing what the spirit can teach you when you will allow it to. That is something i have really grown to love while being out here. But anyways... 
The other day i was feeling really weak. i was thinking to myself "you are a missionary, why do you have so many weaknesses." I was almost feeling like i had developed more weaknesses while being on my mission. And that really started to bug me. So as i pondered and prayed about it, i received my answer. I learned that i have not developed more weaknesses, i have just become more aware of the weaknesses that i have. As we grow closer to the lord, we become more aware of our weaknesses, he can then take us and make us stronger. It goes right in line with the doctrine taught in Ether12:27

I thought that was pretty cool and thought you all would like to hear it. Well i sure do love you all and i hope you have a grandtastic week.
oh i almost forgot, this week we start it off with new missionary training meeting, then we head to maine. Start in Dover Foxcroft, then newport maine, then brewer, and finish it off in farmington. Itll be a good one. 
love yall 
hold to the rod
Elder Zilles

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Week 87: Leave it all on the field

Hey ya'll

Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 5:27
So it sounds like it was a great week. Before i forget i am going to put the article that i wrote this week for the mission news letter on here so you guys can read it. Each month a news letter goes out with messages from us president and the office staff, and it was my turn to write the message this month. so here it is.

Dear Elders and Sisters,
                “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7) These often used words of Paul the Apostle have great meaning to me and to all of us, as each day we are one day closer to the end of our missions. The time we have been given to serve in this capacity is short, and it goes by far too quickly.
                In High School I loved to play football. Most of my time was consumed with something related to the “grid-iron” and “pig-skin”. Oh how I loved those Friday night lights. I have many fond memories of those days and some that are not so fond. One of those not so fond memories comes from the final game of my senior year. We were playing in the semi-final game of the state championships against a team that we were picked to annihilate, and that is exactly what we did NOT do. Why did we not win? That is a question that has entered my mind many times, and I have finally come up with the answer… We did not win because we got comfortable with where we were at and we did not as Paul says “finish our course”. We did not give it all we had till the final whistle blew and because of that we received the reward we deserved.
                Missions are much like athletic events. We must go hard and leave it all on the field. When we do that our Heavenly Father has great rewards in store for us. “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but to all them also who love his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:8)
                Missions prepare us for the rest of life.  So as you give all you have to give, you will be better prepared to give all you have in life and endure to the end. Which will qualify you to receive that great eternal reward promised us by our Father in Heaven.
                Elders and Sisters, I pray that we can all give all that we have to give each day to invite our brothers and sister here in New-England to come unto Christ and feel the joy this gospel brings. Just remember you “can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth” you (Philippians 4:13). I testify that Jesus is the Christ, this is his church and he will lead you to the prepared. Joseph Smith saw what he said he saw and we are serving on sacred soil. Give it all you got.
Love ya’ll

Alright now back to things on the home front. Thank you so much for the fair pictures. I always love getting those. I was joking with Elder Walker this week that most missionaries miss home around the holidays, but i miss home the most around fair season. So i was happy to hear that you all had a good time and all went well. Next year i will be home and things can be back to how they should be. Ah man cant wait for that. Fair season is my favorite, nothing against the holidays, but you understand. That is so cool that lou was number 51. Lucky number always stays in the family.

 I will always be grateful for the friendships built from all those years at shows. 
Im sure Ky did a great job speaking. I would bet he was just a great hard working missionary. But he is from Weston Idaho so we wouldnt expect anything less from him. Itll be great to see all the guys when we are all home from our missions and see how much we have all changed. Speaking of looking older, i look way older than when i left. I was looking through a file i found here in the office with the pictures of me and president and sister wilkey when i first came out and man oh man i have gotten old. Hopefully in a good way though. 
So this week was not too super eventful we just helped out alot here in the office, the office staff has kind of been under the weather so we tried to do as much for them as we could. Which took us to maine to gut out an apartment that we shut down so that was a great time. That is really about all that happened though, it was a bit slower of a week. Which is good cause the rest of the transfer will not be slow at all. This one will be busier than last one. We are scheduled to work in 15 different areas. Starting tomorrow in vermont. We will work in St. albans, lamoille, essex, middlebury, and they finish the week in Montpelier. Should be an eventful one. then the next few weeks we will be in maine. Before we know it we will be prepping for Elder Wilson of the 70 who is coming the end of september for zone conferences. Im pretty excited for that. 

Well family that is about all that i have for ya this week. Hopefully next week ill be able to have some more exciting details for ya. Now dont you guys get too trunky for me. I still have work to do here. Ill be home soon enough so just dont worry too much about it. 
Thank you for all you do for me and for the great examples that you all are. It was soo good to see a picture of grandma, grandma and grandpa. Love them all so much, give them a big ol hug for me. Dont forget with the new school year starting that the most important relationship to have is with our heavenly father. Read your scriptures and pray each day and you all will be just fine this year. Sure do love you guys. 
Hold to the rod. I mean it.
Elder Zilles

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Week 86: 15th Transfer! (Out of 17!)

Hey Family,
Scripture of the week: D&C 39:7, D&C 6:33-37

TRANSFER WEEEEEEEK. welp the dream team is being split up. Yup i still am not excited about it, but it is ok because that is what the Lord needs to happen in the mission right now. This is Elder Wells last transfer, so he will be heading back into the field to finish it off. Hes got a tough job ahead of him.  An area that president is thinking about closing down, and he is shot gunning it. So he has his work cut out for him. He'll do just fine though. ill miss working with him though thats for sure. But you all remember Elder Walker. He was in my district back in the lyndon days. He worked for Staci in high school, from Honeyville Uta?. Well he is going to be my new companion so that is pretty sweet. If i had to get a new companion i cant think of a better one to have, so itll be great. 

So the events of this week. Tuesday we had leadership meeting, and that went really well. We then drove the missionaries home, and stayed the night in Essex, it was just weird without the Polls there. When we got back to the office wednesday morning, Elder Pettingill the car man asked if we could help him go pick up some new cars. so we said of course. We drove to a jeep dealership where we had three jeep compass waiting for us. Now the compass would not be my first choice if i were buying a jeep, but its ok it was still super fun to drive a brand new jeep off of the lot without a companion. we were driving down the highway and i look out my window to see elder wells in his jeep recording a video of me on his camera. it was just a good

time. Wednesday thursday and friday we were in the office the whole day helping with transfers. we would be working on odd jobs and then pres would call us in periodically to "inspect" what he had done. It amazes me how much he trusts our judgement. By friday night he had all the transfers finalized, and that is when our lives got really crazy. There are 92 companionships in the mission, and this transfer 67 of them are getting shook up. that just made life wild this weekend. Tomorrow is of course transfer meeting. well elder wells and i had to sit down and decide how everyone is going to get to the meeting, to their new areas, when they will leave all of that good stuff. we were up till 2:30 sunday morning working on travel plans. It was a party. But we made it through in one piece. Sunday morning after a few hours of sleep we had to call out all of the travel plans to the zone leaders so they could call them out to the missionaries before church so they could arrange for rides. After that we spent the rest of the day getting phone calls from missionaries who thought they had a better way to get where they needed to go. But thats just the thing, the way we said is the way it is going to happen, so we did a lot of patch work yesterday. Because the way these travel plans work, if one person messes it up, then the whole thing falls apart. I make it sound like a really big deal, and you may think that is dumb, but it really is a big deal. Tomorrow morning will be the test to see if everyone gets to where they need to be on time. itll be a miracle if it works out. 
The Transfer board with Elder Wells! 
I'm not really sure what this week is going to bring for sure. we haven't had time to plan that far yet. All i know is this afternoon we are meeting President at the airport at 4 to pick up the new missionaries, and then spending the rest of the night with them. Tomorrow is transfer meeting, then we have to take a visa waiter to the airport so he can finally go to brazil. Wednesday morning we take all of the missionaries who are going home to the airport. should be an eventful week. 

Ah fair week. Probably one of my favorite weeks of the year. It is like a holiday for me. Cant wait to be able to go to cow shows again. Most missionaries start to miss things during the holidays, i just start to miss things during show season. But its ok im good with being weird. I will be looking forward to getting LOTS of PICTURES. and hearing how everything went. Yes the caps were a hint and a stern reminder to take and send me lots of pictures. 

What are we gonna do about the coyotes chasing the calves? we cant have that happening. guess we will have to start shooting them. Stupid coyotes. 

I am happy to hear grandma and grandpa zilles are improving in their health. Also happy to hear the good news about grandma norm. I will as always continue to keep her in my prayers. 

So before i go i just want to share an experience. With all the transfer mumbo jumbo yesterday we were late for church and missed the sacrament. we were both pretty upset about that. So we started scheming and decided we would attend the bedford ward to take the sacrament. It was a really neat feeling to be looking forward to the sacrament so much. im very glad i was able to partake of it. So my invitation to all of you this week is to make sure you are preparing for the sacrament properly. Each day you can prepare for it. I promise you will have an increase of the spirit in your life if each day  you will make a conscious effort to prepare for the sacrament. love you guys
cant wait to hear about the fair
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 85: VERMONT ALL WEEK #Vermontforlife

Hello Family,
Scripture of the Week: 1 Nephi 13:37
Well it sounds like all is going quite well there on the home front. Which always makes me happy to hear. Dad better be careful, we dont need to be loosing any limbs while trimming hooves. crazy guy. (I almost said crazy old man, but we will wait a few years till we start calling him that). Ah man sounds like preparation for the fair is in full swing. i miss that alot. I also miss rodeos. Did you know they dont have those in the east? can you believe that? what kind of life would that be? yea no thanks not for me. So glad to hear lando made it home safely. They all look very happy to be back together in all the pictures. Elder wells was excited to see the plane. (he flies one just like that back home) 

Sounds like everyone beat me to the punch in telling you about my week, it was really a great week. Seeing the Gregory family was such a treat. Not many people can say they got to go back to an old area and have dinner with their first convert while still on the mission. They are doing so well though. So great to see how much bro Greg has grown in the gospel. He is such a solid guy. Being able to be part of his conversion was such a fantastic blessing. Love them so much. 
Also very neat the Gorhams got in contact with you. We had a few minutes left in our time in Lyndon, and i felt very impressed to go visit them. Just great people. love them alot. It will be great for you guys to meet them when they come out to bear lake in june. All in all the lyndon area is doing really well. 

Friday we headed to newport, and i really only remember one part of the day, that was lunch with grandma pat. She is still such a great cook. no wonder i gained 20 pounds when i was there. Ha is showed her a picture of when i was there and now, she laughed at how fat she made me. It was just so good to see her. She is doing well for the most part. The stuff with Cecil is starting to drag on her, but she is a trooper and will be ok. Cecil is still hooked to IV most the time, and has had his voice box removed, but seems to be slowly regaining strength. Even he was excited to see me. I never saw him smile as much as he did this week when i was there for 41/2 months. Pat was just telling us how she feels overwhelmed and run down, so we taught her about blessings, and then i gave her a blessing. it was amazing. After it she goes "i feel lighter all the sudden and when you were doing that my hands were tingling". such an amazing lady though. It was such a blessing to get to see her again. 
well that's the short of this past week. all in all a great week. This work is such an amazing blessing. i cant imagine my life without it. 

Whats happening this week??... well today is the 1st monday of the month and tomorrow the 1st tuesday, so that means we have leadership meeting. So today driving to pick up missionaries. tomorrow we have the meeting, and then driving them home. Then the rest of the week we will be preparing for transfers, as they are next week. Not exactly sure what role we play in transfers, but i do know we will be plenty busy. 

Oh i almost forgot to tell you about the visit at the JSM. It was amazing as always. That place is just fantastic. words cant really describe the feeling there cant wait for yall to get to go there with me. 
This church is no doubt the one and only true church. Thank you for helping me get to where i am so that i can serve our heavenly father. Read the Book of Mormon each day, even if it is just a verse. 
love you guys
hold to the rod
Elder Zilles 

Weel 84: Enabling Power of the Atonement

Hello Family
Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 31. 
So this chapter is very well known, im sure you have read it a million times, but this week it took on new meaning for me and is one of my favorite chapters. It was one of the main teaching sources that president used at zone conference, so ive gotten alot of time to ponder on it, and it is amazing. This chapter is one of the only times in scripture that the FATHER himself teaches doctrine. There are 3 verses that he teaches in, read the chapter and see if you can find the 3 verses, then let me know what you find. Pay special attention to verse 20. What does a perfect brightness of hope mean? it means to have trust in Gods promises even when all else may seem to be lost. Pretty special chapter. 

so it sounds like it was a great week on the home front. cant wait to get more details in the letter. Wish i could have been at the party, but i will just have to be there for 2 and 25. Dang sis is getting old baha. Glad to hear the cows are alive and well. of course Audra had another bull, but hey she is alive and well that is all that matters. 
Well my week... it was really a good one. Started it off with a double header of zone conferences, that was just straight up exhausting. But it was really great. The spirit in both of them was just incredible. President is such an amazing teacher,and such a great example. i feel really spoiled to get to work so closely with him in this calling. I have decided this calling is the most humbling thing that has happened to me on my mission. You think you know something about missionary work, try being an assistant and you will very quickly learn how little you actually know. i was feeling a bit overwhelmed with that this week and i came across these verses in Doctrine and Covenants 35:13-14. The lord always knows exactly what i need. It never ceases to amaze me how he is always there for me. Im so grateful for the gospel in my life. 

Alright so this week.... This is going to be the greatest week of my life! VERMONT ALL WEEK. Ah man i just cant wait its gonna be the best. Tomorrow we head to the JSM for zone conference. And as you know that is my favorite place in the whole world, so im super exited about that, but things just get better as the week goes on. Wednesday  we are working in Hanover vermont, which im sure will be fine, but it gets better.... Thursday we are working in LYNDON. Ah heck yea its gonna be so great. Cant wait to see the Gregorys and The Jablonskis. Friday NEWPORT. Grandma Pat here i come. man i just cant wait to see all of my mission family. It seriously is going to be the greatest week ever. 

Dont worry there will be many more details of this week than last week i promise. 

So if you are ever feeling down in the dumps and kind of defeated, study in the scriptures about the enabling power of the atonement. It will brighten up your day and carry you on your way. How do we access the enabling power of the atonement? 
1. Have faith in the savior
2. Repent daily (draws us closer to him)
3. Keep your covenants
4. live worthy of the Holy Ghost
5. Endure to the end (prepare each day to be ready to partake of the sacrament)

Love you guys
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles

Week 83:The Fellowship of the Unashamed

Hello Family,
Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 3:13,24
I think this week enters the books as the fastest week of my life. It seems like i was just sitting at this computer writing you. Maybe thats cause i was just sitting at this computer not even 12 hours ago typing stuff for zone conference, yup thats probably it. Yeah sleep is pretty much secondary lately, but thats ok the lord is really blessing me with the extra energy that i need to keep going. I havent even had a Mt. Dew yet, not gonna break my no pop streak. 

Great to hear all is well on the homefront. It always does my heart good to hear that. Cant believe ash will be a year old this week. Happy freakin birthday to her (oh and to sis as well) How old is sis going to be? yea i know im terrible and dont even know how old my sister is. Oh well she will just have to forgive me. 

Alright so for the events of the week. It was really a great week. Worked in 3 different areas and slept in four. Crazy week but it was really good. I finally got to see the maine coast. It does exist and is not just a figment of imagination. wednesday we were in rockland maine, a little coastal town. The apartment was not even a mile from the ocean, so for morning workout we ran to it. they dont really have many beaches here on the east coast. Its very very rocky unlike the sand on the west coast. but still very cool to see the ocean. I am really enjoying working with the missionaries. Its really a treat to see them grow and progress.
Probably my favorite area that i got to work in was Waterville Maine. Elder Chen served there way back when, so i had heard stories about it, so it was neat to get to work there for a day. After that we worked in Slowhegan Maine. Lots of travelling thats for sure. 

So i just want to share a neat story from my day in Waterville. We decided we would walk the whole day so we could talk to as many; people as possible on the streets. (thats one of my training things for this transfer is teaching them to talk with everyone) so we had been walking all day and my comp for the day Elder Sheriff felt we should try one more house. Well we walked about another half mile and went to the house number, and it didnt exist, so we decided to knock around the area. Cause we felt impressed to be there, so we knew heavenly father had someone for us there or he wouldnt have sent us there. well it didnt take long at all to find out why we were there. The first door we knocked was the reason we were there. A couple answered the door and were super nice. They talked to us for about 10 minutes telling us their story. He is a cancer surviver and is known as the walking miracle just a super cool couple. Well Elder Sheriff felt prompted to pull out a picture of the temple (salt lake) when he did so their eyes just lit up, even before we told them what it was. Super cool to see that. Moral of the story is go to the temple often. It has an amazing effect on those who dont even know what it is, so just think of the effect it can have on us. 

The baseball game was super cool. Presidents pitch was sweet.Nice and crisp right over the plate. i had the opportunity saturday morning to practice with him at the mission home, it was really neat. 
Our Baptism Sunday was really cool,  he is 18, boy friend of a member he has been being taught for about 6 months. Good kid. I really wish i knew more about him but i really dont. All that matters is he was baptized yesterday and it was really sweet. 

So this week is going to be a bit slower than last and next so that will be nice. Today we have normal morning stuff, but after that we dont have to drive anywhere so we will get to go play some ball finally its been forever. Tomorrow we are headed back to maine for zone conference, and wednesday another zone conference. But after that we are back in our area for the rest of the week so we will actually get to do work here for once. Itll be good. 
Well i sure love you guys. im gonna close with a poem by President Eyring that president stoker shared at the new missionary meeting this week. 

The Fellowship of the Unashamed:
I am part of the unashamed
The die has been cast, i have stepped over the line
I am a disciple of Jesus Christ
I wont look back, let up slow down or be still
my past is redeemed my presence makes sense and my future is secure
im finished and done with low living small planning smooth knees
colorless dreams tamed visions and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need pre-eminence positions promotions plaudits or popularity.
I dont have to be right, first recognized praised regarded or rewarded
I now live by faith lean on his presence walk with penance am uplifted by prayer and labor with power.
My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven.
My road is narrow my way is rough my companions are few my guide reliable my mission clear. I cannot be bought compromised detoured lured away divided or delayed. 
I will not flinch in the face of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity 
or meander in the mass of mediocrity.
I wont give up shut up or let up until i have stayed up stored up and paid up for the name of Christ. 
I must go on til he comes, give til i drop, preach til all i know and work til he stops me and when he returns for his own he will have no problem recognizing me my banner will be clear.
For i am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone that believeth.. (Romans 1:16)

Love you all so much
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles

Week 82: First for everything!

Hello Family, 

Scripture of the week: Ether 6:6-7.
 As you read these verses think of the trials we face in life, and the important role prayer to our Heavenly Father plays! The Book of Mormon is just amazing. 
Well every one i made it through another crazy week. Ill first tell you about the happenings of this week, and then ill fill you in on whats coming up. 

So as i told you, Monday we start reports at 8, and get done with those about 10, at 1030 we have staff meeting, which is with us pres and sis stoker and the office couples. (The office couples are amazing by the way, we are so blessed to have them. The Pettingills leave in October, and the skidmores in December, so get the word out there that the best mission president in the church is looking for replacements.) After staff meeting we have staff lunch, and then we headed our separate ways to pick up missionaries. We were not traveling alone, we split with another companionship so we could get to know them a bit better. I headed to Maine with Elder Barnes from Pocatello, it was a good time. we drove 3 hours up and then 3 hours back. The next day was MLC. I made it through my first one as AP. Its really weird sitting at the front of those meetings, everyone just stares at you. Im still not adjusted to how people treat you as an assistant. Its like they think im a different person than i was before. But the good news is ive been able to help most of them see that i am still just Elder Zilles. So after the meeting Tuesday we drove the missionaries back to Maine, 4 hours to Bangor where we stayed, then Wednesday we spent the day with Elder Guinn and Elder Stallings. I had the privilege to work with Elder Guinn. It was so great, and such a treat to see how much he has grown in the last year. He is still Elder Guinn for sure, but has really grown alot. I now know that Maine is real and is not just a place that people have made up in their heads.

Now for whats coming up this week... Today is the same as last week, but we don't have to leave to pick people up till 4. Tomorrow we have new missionary trainers meeting, so we are picking those people up for that tonight. Luckily only a 2 hour drive today. Then tomorrow the meeting, and after it we are headed back to Maine, we will drop the new missionaries off and then keep driving. This week we are working in Waterville, skowhegan, and rockland Maine. Ive never been to any of those places obviously so it will be good to get to know a bit more of the mission. We will head back to manchester Saturday morning and then we have a planning meeting with president, saturday afternoon will be a party...... We are going to a Manchester Fisher Cats game. They are the local semi pro team, and they are hosting "mormon night". The PR guy for them is a member so he got it all set up. President Stoker is throwing the opening pitch. They are letting us set up booths all around the stadium to hand out the "goods". Its gonna be really neat im excited. 

Then Sunday Elder Wells and i have a baptism. Obviously i just met him, but he is getting baptized, and that's about all i know about him. First baptism ive ever walked into. First for everything i guess.  

So we have a really nice apartment. Granted we are only there like 2 nights a week, but its really nice. Not in a ghetto area at all. We do our laundry at the bedford apartment, so sometimes its just like i never left. As far as shopping we just do that when we find time. Schedule as an assistant is definitely a bit wild thats for sure. 

Well family i sure do love you. Hope you all have a great week as you are all in a million different directions. You are always in my prayers.  
Hold to the rod
Elder Zilles