Scripture of the week: D&C 18:10-16, Moroni 9:6
So i dont know why, but i woke up in a pretty poopy mood today. But when
i got on my email that all changed very rapidly. I saw that i had an
email from sister Gregory, so i opened it to read the happiest most
wonderful thing i have ever read in my entire life. The Gregory family
will be sealed in the temple for time and eternity on april 12!
She said they invited you, so you probably already know all of this,
but i just had to tell you because i am so ecstatic about it right now!
Its people like Brother Gregory who make this work worth it! I just
think back to my first week in the mission, Bro Gregory was one of the
first people i met in vermont. we were at the church shoveling snow and
he came and introduced himself. Ah man i dont think i make any sense
right now but i dont even care i am just so excited for the Gregs! Ah
man i miss them it seems like forever since i have see them! I might
have to convince them to come visit me here in Essex before i get
shipped out of Vermont.
So not a whole lot happened here in Essex this week.
I think the whole state of Vermont has just caught the "winter blues".
the good news is we have been able to help our zone avoid them thus far.
Can you believe January is pretty well over?
I was on exchange in Burlington this week, now that is an
interesting city! It is a walking area, so they either walk or take the
bus. For the first time in my life i rode the bus, and im here to tell
you that if you want to meet some of the Cream of the crop you should
ride the bus! Ive never seen so many interesting people. We found an
iphone on the sidewalk so we went and knocked on the house right next to
it and it was a "pot house" When they opened the door, man the smell of
that mary jane just filled the air. It stunk so bad!
So you remember last transfer when Elder Davis and i
did our first Zone training... well president liked it so much, that he
is using the whole thing in zone conference in two weeks. So this
morning he called and asked us if next week at leadership meeting if we
would do a training about it to all of the zone leaders. Its gonna be a
pretty special opportunity.
Oh so this week, we were teaching this older man, he is legally blind and pretty much deaf. So we were teaching
him about prophets, and by teaching him i mean yelling to him!
Everything has to be said so stinkin loudly! But out of no where he
turns to me and goes "so how do i know that YOU are a prophet?" It took a
second for it to register what he had said but once i realized i was
like "no no no, im not a prophet i was called by a prophet" then elder
davis asked him what he would do if there were a living prophet on the
earth and he said" I would get up and i would go out side and shout
hallelujah and then i would follow him, i wouldnt even grab my coat"!
Funny old man!
Well family i sure do love you!
Hold to the Rod
Elder Toner